Brush Size Unlimiter V1.0

Brush Size Unlimiter V1.0

This mod raises the maximum size that brushes can be set to in the tool menu and in the devmode panel.
Works both ingame and in the asset editor. The mod on default sets the maximum brush size to 10000.


How to install

  1. Download the mod
  2. If installing from GitHub, place BrushSizeUnlimiter folder inside BepInEx/plugins


In the mod settings, the maximum brush size can be configured from a low of 1000 to a high of 20000.

Set the maximum brush size to what your computer can handle, as the larger the brush size the more performance degrades. The maximum brush size of 20000 covers the entire unlockable play area!


  • When using extremely large brush sizes avoid placing trees or objects at full strength, if the brush is too big your game might crash
  • If the brush touches over the edge of your city’s purchased area, none of the brush actions will apply, enable anarchy with the mod Anarchy by yenyang to overcome this.

What is Cities: Skylines 2 mods use for

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Join the worldwide Cities: Skylines 2 modding community, full of excellent developers and devoted gamers, looking to improve this game – building and using mods to make the playing experience even more exciting. These mods are easy to use, and the results are remarkable. Cities Skylines 2 Mod lets you easily build your very own version of the game, with limitless possibility, turning your visions into reality. Don’t miss your opportunity to improve the game. Start building now: simply click the Cities: Skylines 2 Mod download button, and see everything for yourself.

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