Ducks In a Row v0.0.3

Ducks In a Row v0.0.3

Welcome to the “DucksInARow” mod for Cities Skylines 2, version v0.0.3. This cutting-edge mod enhances your city-building experience with advanced prop and tree placement options, continuously evolving with new features and improvements.


  • Better Placement: Removal of oddities from the previous version for cleaner implementation.
  • Line Visualization: Visual aids for linear prop placement, enhancing accuracy and aesthetics.
  • Corrected Random Rotation: Natural and varied prop arrangements with improved rotation logic.
  • Curve and Circle Modes: New modes for props in curved or circular patterns, toggled with ALT+X in tree tool.
  • Adult Tree Toggle: ALT+A toggles between adult and sapling tree placements for varied forestry.
  • Right-Click to Cancel: Easily cancel operations with a right-click, enhancing workflow.
  • Finer Spacing Adjustment: Precise control over spacing between props.
  • Optimised Generation: Limited generation per frame for better performance.
  • Bug Fixes and Optimizations: Several improvements for a smoother experience.
  • More to Come: Future updates and enhancements are planned.
  • Line Placement of Props: Align props in a straight line with 8-meter default spacing.
  • No UI Yet: Console log output for tracking, UI in future updates.
  • Dependency: Requires BepInEx5 for functionality.

Key Shortcuts

  • LEFT SHIFT: Toggle mod functionality in tree placement tool.
  • UP/DOWN ARROWS: Adjust prop spacing.
  • ALT+X: Cycle through tree placement modes.
  • ALT+A: Toggle between adult and sapling trees.


First, ensure that BepInEx5 is installed in Cities Skylines 2. Then, download and install “DucksInARow”.

How to Use

  1. Activate the tree placement tool in the game.
  2. Use LEFT SHIFT to toggle the mod.
  3. Place trees and adjust their spacing with the UP and DOWN arrows.

What is Cities: Skylines 2 mods use for

Find the latest Cites: Skylines 2 mods and improve your game to the next level. Here you will find mods with features you will not find on the base game. What’s even better, these mods are completely free and easy to download. The Cities Skylines 2: How to Start Your City Mod setup process is extremely easy to follow. Just get them on your computer, follow a couple of simple steps, and you’re done!

Join the worldwide Cities: Skylines 2 modding community, full of excellent developers and devoted gamers, looking to improve this game – building and using mods to make the playing experience even more exciting. These mods are easy to use, and the results are remarkable. Cities Skylines 2 Mod lets you easily build your very own version of the game, with limitless possibility, turning your visions into reality. Don’t miss your opportunity to improve the game. Start building now: simply click the Cities: Skylines 2 Mod download button, and see everything for yourself.

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