Signature Fix v1.0
Signature Fix v1.0
Cities Skylines II mod that fixes always-empty industrial signature buildings i.e. Dairy House, Oil Refinery and Ground Earth. They will now have companies producing Food, Petrochemicals and Minerals, respectively. Note 1. Please note that this is a temporary fix only until CO will fix those buildings properly. Note 2. If you already have the buildings plopped, then please remove them first and build again. Also, make sure that you plop them in a suitable industrial area.
Please note that this is a temporary fix only until CO will fix that buildings properly.
If you already have these buildings plopped, then please remove them first and build again.
Requirements and Compatibility
Cities Skylines II v1.0.18f1 or later; check GitHub or Discord if the mod is compatible with the latest game version.
BepInEx 5.
The mod does NOT modify savefiles.
The mod does NOT modify any game systems.
Place the SignatureFix.dll file in your BepInEx Plugins folder.
v1.0.0 (2024-01-07)
Initial build.